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Adding a 'Fake commute' to your WFH Schedule

Updated: Jan 14, 2021

Are you adding a walk around the block, a morning stroll to your local coffee shop or even getting in the car to go to the local drive-thru... if you are, you aren't alone.

The 'fake commute' as it is being termed is fast becoming part of our new daily routines and believe it or not it is actually doing your mental health and wellbeing the world of good.

One of the key areas of focus for Amber People as a a HR consultancy is wellbeing. Of the businesses that we partner with the primary focus is always the teams and doing the best by them.

One of the key messages that we constantly eco is to ensure that you are getting outside when ever you can even for a few 5 minute bursts, it makes all the difference.

Think of the outdoors as food for the mind so when you eat try and get out; breakfast, lunch and dinner. Try making a packed lunch the night before and come lunch time pop it in your bag and find a lovely park bench or tree to sit under. Even better and if you can, leave the mobile at home or if you need to take it with you, pop it on silent.

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